Yoga and various types of asanas

Yoga and various types of asanas

Yoga = Yoga is an oldest Indian way of dealing with the fitness of human body, mind spirit . Yoga has come from Sanskrit word yuj which means to unite or to join . Even though , people tend to think that yoga is series of exercise with twisted pose  , but it is not so . Basically it helps the individual to connect with one inner spirit  , which is essential divine and is connected to universal spirit or God .


Asanas are various posture of yoga . Asana are body positions  , typically associated with the practice of yoga  . These poses help to the person to remain healthy and balanced  . These help to develop concentration . By practicing asana one can develop agility , balance , endurance and great vitality . They keep the body free from diseases . Their real importance lies in the way they train and discipline the mind  . There are various types of asana such as corrective asana , relaxative asana and meditation asana .

The asana can be classified into following

1.Dhayanatmak Asana (Meditative asana ) = Padmasana ,Siddhasana , Swastikasana , Vajrasana , Gomukhasana  etc .  These asana should be practiced in peaceful atmosphere . They increase the concentration power .

2 . Relaxative Asana = Shashankasana , shavasana, maker asana etc. These asanas help in relaxation of physical and mental fatigue. They provide relaxation to our body and mind.

3.  Cultural or Corrective asana = Shirsasana, Sarvang asana, Shalabh asana, Bhujang asana, Mayur asana ,Paschimotanasana etc. These are very helpful in physical development. They provide efficiency to prayama, pratiyahara and dharna.

Various types of asana are 


It is made up of three words - hasta , uttanaand asana . Hasta means arms , uttana means stretched up ,and asana means posture . In this posture , the arms are stretches upwards , so that why it is called Hastottasana .


4.Ardha Matsyendrasana
Ardha Matsyendrasana

Ardhamatsyendrasana is a milder version of the matsyendrasana.  This asana was named after yogi matsyendrasana. ARDHA means half. The original matsyendrasana being difficult to perform its easier version called Ardhamatsyendrasana is generally practised . In Ardhamatsyendrasana the spine is given the maximum lateral twist .               

Bhujangasana comprises of two words bhujana and asana . In sanskrit , bhujanga means , cobra and asana means posture .  In the final stage of this asana , the body resembles the shape of a hooded snake , therefore the posture is called BHUJANGASANA 

This asana means stretching the posterior region of the body .In Sanskrit  , Paschima means posterior and uttana means stretch up . In this posture , posterior muscle of the body get stretched hence it is called Pashimottanasana  .

7.Pavan Muktansana 
Pavan Muktansana



The word chakra  , means wheel. In this asana, the body assumes the shapes of a wheel, so it is called chakrasana . This asana improves flexibility of whole body, especially the back.


11. Parvatasana



13. Tadasana

14.Ardha Chakrasana
Ardha Chakrasana



16. Vakrasana

17. Shalabhasana 
In Sanskrit shalabha  refers to locust ( grasshopper) and asana means postures of this asana imitates a locust . Shalabhasana is one of the best yoga asana for strengthening the back muscles .
