ARDHA MATSYENDRASANA And it's Precautions Procedure Benefits

ARDHA MATSYENDRASANA And it's Precautions Procedure Benefits


Ardhamatsyendrasana is a milder version of the matsyendrasana.  This asana was named after yogi matsyendrasana. ARDHA means half. The original matsyendrasana being difficult to perform its easier version called Ardhamatsyendrasana is generally practised . In Ardhamatsyendrasana the spine is given the maximum lateral twist .                       


To perform Ardhamatsyendrasana the following steps should be performed :

  1 Sit on the ground and extend the legs in front .

2 Bend the knee of the left leg, place left foot close to the right buttock ,heel should touch the side of hip and the left knee should touch the ground .

3 Bend the right knee; and place right foot on the ground near outside of the left knee. Toes of the right foot should face forward.

4 Place left arm over right knee in such a way that it covers outside of the right knee. Hold the right foot or ankle with left hand. The right knee should be close to the left armpit .

5 Bend the right arm from the elbow and take it behind and encircle the waist as much as possible as if trying to touch the naval.

6 Turn the head towards the right side and try to look behind over the shoulder.

7 Stay in the position for 5-10 seconds .

8 To come back ,bring your head to the centre . Bring the right arm in the front.  In the same way, bring the left arm,right left leg in the starting position  . Repeat it on the other side.

Benefits :

1 It stimulates liver, spleen and pancreas and helps regulate their functioning.

2 It is beneficial for intestines too.

3 It is beneficial for free movements of the shoulders .

4 It rejuvenates the nerves around the navel .

5 It is helpful for persons suffering from diabetes mellitus and lower back pain.

6 It strengthens the spinal column and muscles of the back.

7 It is helpful in treating cervical spindylitis ,bronchitis ,constipation ,sinusitis  menstrual disorders and urinary tract disorders .

Precautions :

1 Twist the spine with support of the arm .

2 Toes of the foot kept near the outside of knee should be facing forward .

3 The outside edge of the foot which is kept near the buttock should touch the floor.

4 Sitting straight in this asana is important 
