Shalabhasana and its Procedure

Shalabhasana and its Procedure ,Benefits,Precautions,Contraindications


In Sanskrit shalabha  refers to locust ( grasshopper) and asana means postures of this asana imitates a locust . Shalabhasana is one of the best yoga asana for strengthening the back muscles .


To perform Shalabhasana the following steps should be formed .

1.Lie flat on the stomach , legs together , hands by the side of the thighs , palms facing downwards , and heels together , . Chest and forehead should be placed on the ground .

2.Place both palms under the thighs .

3.Stretch the chin slightly forward and keep it on the floor .

4.Inhaling and pressing the palms on the ground , raise both legs upward as high as possible .

5.Maintain the position with normal breathing for few seconds .

6.To come back , slowly bring down the legs to the floor . Take out the hand from the thighs . Lie flat on the stomach , legs together , hands by the side of the thighs and palms facing downward .


1.It stimulates the autonomic nervous system .

2.It strengthens the lower back pelvic organs .

3.It gives relief in the conditions of mild sciatica , backache and non serious slip disk .

4.It is good exercise for the legs , thighs , hips , buttocks , the lower abdomen , diaphragm and wrists .

5.It improves blood circulation in the pelvic region .

6.It helps to reduce excessive fat formed around the knees , the thighs , the waist and the abdomen and thereby improve physical appearance and positive body image .

7. It helps to regulate the functioning of liver .

8.It is beneficial to increase elasticity and flexibility  of spine .

9. It is helpful in relieving  stress  .
10.It is helpful to decrease back pain .


1.Use the hand to balance and also to control the body weight .

2.While lifting the leg , contract  the lower dorsal muscles and press the abdomen on the floor .

3. Legs should be outstretched and straight .

4. Jerks and unbearable strains should be     
avoided .

5. Do not rush through the exercise and do not push yourself too much .

6. Do not put too much pressure on the hands


1.People suffering from high blood pressure , asthma and cardiac diseases , weak lungs , hernia , people ulcers and intestinal tuberculosis should avoid practicing this asana .

2. Persons with weak spine should not perform this asana .
