Chakrasana and its Procedure

Chakrasana and its Procedure

The word chakra  , means wheel. In this asana, the body assumes the shapes of a wheel, so it is called chakrasana . This asana improves flexibility of whole body, especially the back.

To perform chakrasana the following steps should be performed-
1 Lie on your back.

2 Bend the knees, heels touching the buttocks. Keep both the feet12 inches apart  .
3 Raise the arms up. Bending them at the elbows, take them behind over the head. Place the palms on the floor beside the head , fingers pointing towards the shoulders.

4 Gradually, raise the body and arch the back

5 Staighten the arms and legs. Move the hands further towards the feet as far as you feel comfortable. Maintain the position for 5-10seconds.

6 Slowly lower your body in the manner so that the head rests on the floor. Lower down rest of the body and lie at on your back and relax
