PASHIMOTTASANA and its procedure , benefits , precautions , contraindications

PASHIMOTTASANA and its procedure , benefits , precautions , contraindications 

This asana means stretching the posterior region of the body .In Sanskrit  , Paschima means posterior and uttana means stretch up . In this posture , posterior muscle of the body get stretched hence it is called Pashimottanasana  .

1. Sit and extend the legs together .

2. Bend the elbows . Make hooks with the index fingers .

3. Bend the body forward and catch hold of the toes with the hooks of the fingers .

4. Try placing the head between the arms .

5. Keeping a little bend in the elbows and without bending the knees  , try and touch the forehead with the knees . Maintain the positions for 5-10 seconds .

6. Raise the head slowly .

7. Release the hold of the toes . Now keeping the body erect , bring the hooks of fingers near the chest .

8. Place the hands on the respective sides of the body .

9. Sit with the legs extended together .


1. It gives a good posture stretch to the spinal column .
2. It helps in increasing the flexibility of the spinal and abdominal muscles .

3. It helps to improve the blood circulation in organs of the abdominal regions .

4. It helps to correct postural deformities .

5. It is helpful in treating constipations .

6. Improves digestions .

7. Helps to relieve symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort .

1. Exhale while bending forward to facilitate the bending .

2. Relax the muscles while bending forward .
3. Maintain the final position at your comfort level .

4. Avoid jerks and strain while assuming and     releasing the postures .

5. Do not bend the knees while touching the forehead with the knees .


1. Those suffering from heart diseases , ulcer in abdomen , slipped disc , sciatica avoid practicing it .

2. Pregnant woman should avoid this asana 
