Obesity is defdined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health .Obesity is a medical condition when the body of a person contains 20% or more fat as compared to ideal weight .


How do I calculate my BMI?

      BMI = WEIGHT (KG)/HEIGHT (METRE)square

1. What is the correct BMI for my age?

2. What is the normal BMI?

 3. What is a healthy BMI for elderly?

 4. Is 27 a good BMI?

           CLASSIFICATION                      BODY MMASS INDEX 

        1.         UNDERWAIGHT                              <18.5

        2.        NORMAL WEIGHT                      18.5 - 24.9

        3.         OVER WEIGHT                                25 - 29

        4.         CLASS I OBESITY                          30.0-34.9

        5.        CLAS II OBESITY                           35.0 - 39.9

        6 .       CLASS III OBESITY                           40 


Obesity is defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to heath .

BMI is less than 18.5 , the person is underweight category . 

BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9 , the person is in the normal weight category .

BMI is 25 to 29.9 , the person is in the overweight category . 

BMI is 30 or higher , the person is in the obese category . 


1.Imbalance between calories intake and calories expanded = The fundamental cause of obesity and overweight is an imbalane between calories consumed and calories expanded . Calorie intake means the calories you get from the food and beverages you consume . Calorie expenditure means the calories you burn for basic bodyfunctions and during physical activity . When your calorie intake is more than the expenditure you end up gaining weight .

2.Lack of physical activity = Lack of physical activity is another important factor related to obesity . Many people have jobs that involve sitting at a desk for mpost of the day . 

3.Genetics =There are some rare genetic condition that can cause obesity . Certain genetic traits inherited from parents can affect hormones which cause obesity . A person is more likely to be obese if one or both parents are obese . 

4. Poor diet = Obesity does not happen overnight . It develops gradually over time  , as a result of poor diet and lifestyle choices , such as eating large amounts ofv processed or fast food - that is high in the fat and sugar , eating out a lot , eating large portions that you need , drinking too many sugary drinks etc lead to obesity . 

Yoga is an oldest Indian way of dealing with the         fitness of human body , mind and spirit . Yoga has comes from   Sanskrit word Yuj which means to unite or to join . Even though .   people tend to think about yoga is a series of exercise which   twisted body poses ,but it is not so . Basically, it helps the   individual to connect with ones inner spirit , which is essentially   divine and is connected to the universal spirit or God . Yoga is roots are in India and sadhus used to practice yoga thousands of     years ago .


1.REDUCES TENSION = Regular practice of yoga helpful to reduce the tension .Dharana and Dhyan are beneficial for getting peace of mind . Yoga helps to relax the body .

2.IMPROVES CONCENTRATION =Various techniques of yoga develop the concentration to great extent and thus improves memory and mental sharpness . 

1.Dhayanatmak Asana (Meditative asana ) = Padmasana ,Siddhasana , Swastikasana , Vajrasana , Gomukhasana  etc . These asana should be practiced in peaceful atmosphere . They increase the concentration power .

2 . Relaxative Asana = Shashankasana , shavasana, maker asana etc. These asanas help in relaxation of physical and mental fatigue. They provide relaxation to our body and mind.

3.  Cultural or Corrective asana = Shirsasana, Sarvang asana, Shalabh asana, Bhujang asana, Mayur asana ,Paschimotanasana etc. These are very helpful in physical development. They provide efficiency to prayama, pratiyahara and dharna.


1. anusara =

Developed by means of american yogi john friend in 1997, anusara yoga is a relative newcomer to the yoga global. based at the perception that we’re all filled with an intrinsic goodness, anusara seeks to use the bodily exercise of yoga to assist students open their hearts, enjoy grace, and allow their internal goodness shine via. instructions, that are specially sequenced by the instructor to explore one of friend's standard standards of alignment, are rigorous for the frame and the thoughts.

2.Ashtanga=Ashtanga is based on historic yoga teachings, however it changed into popularized and brought to the west by means of okay. pattabhi jois (stated "pah-tah-bee joyce") in the 1970s. it's a rigorous style of yoga that follows a particular sequence of postures and is much like vinyasa yoga, as each style hyperlinks every motion to a breath. the distinction is that ashtanga always plays the precise identical poses inside the genuine equal order. this is a sweaty, bodily stressful practice, so make certain to deliver your trustyYoga mat towel.

3. bikram=About 30 years ago, bikram choudhury developed this faculty of yoga wherein instructions are held in artificially heated rooms. in a bikram elegance, you'll sweat like by no means before as you work your way through a series of 26 poses. like ashtanga, a bikram magnificence constantly follows the equal sequence, although a bikram collection isn't the same as an ashtanga series. bikram is particularly debatable, as choudhury trademarked his series and has sued studios who call themselvesBikram, but do not train the poses precisely the way he says they must. it’s also wildly popular, making it one of the simplest instructions to locate. due to the heated situations of the studio, keep in mind to deliver a water bottle!

4. hatha=Hatha yoga is a frequent term that refers to any type of yoga that teaches bodily postures. almost each type of yoga elegance taught inside the west is hatha yoga. while a class is advertised as hatha, it typically approach that you will get a gentle creation to the mostPrimary yoga postures. you likely might not work up a sweat in a hatha yoga magnificence, but you have to come to be leaving class feeling longer, looser, and greater at ease.

Five. hot yoga

Largely the equal aspect as bikram. normally, the only difference among bikram and hot yoga is that the recent yoga studio deviates from bikram's sequence in some small manner, and so that they must name themselves by using every other name. the room will be heated and you will sweat buckets, so check out our mats and add-ons speciallyDesigned for decent yoga instructions. 

6. iyengar

Iyengar yoga became advanced and popularized with the aid of b.ok.s. iyengar (reported "eye-yen-gar"). iyengar is a completely meticulous fashion of yoga, with utmost attention paid to locating the proper alignment in a pose. so as to assist every scholar locate the proper alignment, an iyengar studio will inventory a wide array of yoga props — blocks, blankets, straps, chairs and bolsters are all not unusual. there isn't a number of leaping around in iyengar lessons, so that you may not getYour heart fee up, however you may be amazed to find out how bodily and mentally difficult it is to live placed. iyengar instructors need to undergo a complete schooling — if you have an damage or persistent condition, iyengar is probably your first-class desire to make sure you get the informed preparation you need. for a quicker recovery from an injury or to relieve sore, tight muscle tissue, test out our line of recover merchandise. 

7. restorative

Restorative yoga is a scrumptious manner to relax and sootheFrayed nerves. also described as yin yoga, restorative lessons use bolsters, blankets, and blocks to prop college students into passive poses so the frame can experience the blessings of a pose without having to exert any effort. an excellent restorative magnificence is more rejuvenating than a sleep. studios and gyms regularly offer them on friday nights, whilst pretty much every body should use a few profound relaxation.

8. vinyasa

Vinyasa (stated "vin-yah-sah") is a sanskrit phrase for a word that more or less translates as "toRegion in a special manner," referring—in hatha yoga—to a sequence of poses. vinyasa training are regarded for their fluid, motion-extensive practices. vinyasa instructors series their instructions to easily transition from pose to pose, with the purpose of linking breath to movement, and regularly play track to maintain things active. the depth of the practice is just like ashtanga, however no  vinyasa instructions are the identical. if you hate recurring and love to test your bodily limits, vinyasa can be simplyYour price ticket .
