Cardio Respiratory System And Effect Of Exercise

Cardio Respiratory System And Effect Of Exercise 

Cardio Respiratiry  system is essential for effecient pumping of blood and oxygen supply to all parts of the body . It consist of the heart and blood vessels working along with the respiratory system to deliver oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from all the tissues of the body.

The cardio-respiratory system undergoes drastic changes during and immediately after intense exercise. While exercising, there is an increased demamnd for oxygen by the muscles. To fulfil this demand there are certain short term and long-term adaptations by the cardio-respiratory system These are explained below.  
Cardio Respiratory System And Effect Of Exercise

Short term / Immediate effect

1.Increase in heart rate = One of the short term effects of exercise is an increase in heart rate . From an average heart rate of 72 beats/ minute , heart rate increases as per the intensity of exercise until maximum heart rate is achieved . It can increase up to 220 beats / minutes .

2.Increase in stroke volume = Stroke volume is the amount of blood ejected per beat from the left ventricle . As the intensity of exercise goes up , so does the stroke volume . Generally the stroke volume of an individual at rest is 50 to 70 ml / beat . During exercise it increases up to 110 to 130 ml / beat . Thus the amount of blood pumped out of the left ventricle by each beat increases by up to  80 ml per beat during exercise . It may reach up to 220 ml / beat during high intensity exercise .

3.Respiratory rate increases = The total number of respiration per minute is called respiratory rate . During exercise , respiratory increase from around 18 per minute to up to 80/minute .

4. Amount of air inhaled and exhaled increases = During exercise the amount of air inhaled and exhaled in each breath also increases from around 0.5 liters to up to 4.5 liters . Increased volume of air delivers more oxygen to the blood stream and than to the working muscles .

5. Increase in  cardiac output = Cardiac output is the volume of blood the heart pumps in a period of one minute . It is a product of stroke volume and heart rate . It increases from the typical 5 liter per minute , to up to 40 liter per minutes , during strenuous exercise .

6. Redistribution of blood flow = At rest , the muscles require only about 15 to 20 per cent of the total amount of blood circulating through the body . During exercise the hardworking blood is diverted away from the digestive organs , kidney and liver and redirected to the skeletal muscles . Blood flow to the skin also increases .

7.Blood vessels expand at the skin surface =The blood vessels serving the skin expand to allow more blood to the surface of the body to release heat , causing skin to ridden . This helps to cool the body down during exercise .
8. Increases in vital capacity = Vital capacity means , the greatest volume of air that can be expelled from the lings after taking the deepest possible breath . By doing heavy work through exercise the vital capacity of the body of a person increases . Vital capacity can increases up to 5500cc from a normal value of 3500 to 4500cc with regular exercising .

9. Increases in blood pressure =  The blood pressure is the pressure of blood within the arteries . It is produced primarily by the contraction of heart muscles . Normal blood pressure range is 120/80 mm Hg  -  140 / 90 mm Hg ; where 120-140 mm Hg is systolic blood pressure and 80-90 mm Hg is diastolic blood pressure . During exercise , the systolic BP can increase to over 200 mm Hg but diastolic BP can increase to over 200mm Hg but diastolic BP  usually remains unchanged during intensive exercise .
