Disability And Its Types , Causes , Meaning ,Concept , Symptoms

Disability And Its Types , Causes , Meaning 
,Concept , Symptoms


We have seen that people in our comminitte have difficulties which other people donot have  . For example , some people have difficulty seeing , some people have difficulty hearing , speaking , learning , or moving around in the same way as others . Some peope have no feeling in their hands and feet . Such difficulties are called disabilities and disorder .

Meaning of Disability 

A disability is any continuing condition that restricts everyday life .According to the right of person with diasbility act , 2016 ''Person with disability means aperson with long term physical , mental , intellactual or sensory impairment which in interaction with barriers , hinders his full , and effective participation in society equally with others'' .

Concept of Disability 

In 1995 , person with disabbilities were consider to be handicappedby their diseases or impairment . Conceptually , disability was based on a medical model , in which disability is caused by a diseases , injury or other serve impairment for which the remedy , if any , is medical treatment . The listing were accordingly based on the body system and severiority impairment . The line example of listings level impairment included the loss ofv vision , hearing , or speech ; loss of use of two limbs ; progressive diseases such as diabetes , multipe sclerosis and hurt and lung conditions that have resulted in major loss of physical impairment .
